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Partner with GoUp to develop your ride-hailing business
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A simple way to build a ride request app
How can you make a taxi app? Easy! With our technologies and your custom branding, you’ll get a high-end product to successfully compete with other ride-hailing and ride-sharing services.
Progressive technologies
The cornerstone of modern taxi businesses are complex IT solutions like the ones we develop and share with you. Make the whole range of processes, like requesting rides, searching for drivers, assigning orders, pricing, navigation and many more, seamless, flawless, and even more importantly, with no need to dive in by yourself
Automation for all processes
Fleet management, price adjustments, feedback collection, and much more in just a few clicks. How can you boost taxi revenue? Automation is the key!
Track driver and operator performance
Get a full picture of staff performance with our best taxi app software. Plan operations for your driver team, make adjustments, and test your ideas on the go to improve driver and vehicle efficiency.
Detailed statistics and reports
Collect all the data about your operations with our easy-to-use taxi fleet dashboard. Number of trips, total revenues, travel times, and other business-relevant metrics: see everything in one window to master taxi fleet management.
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